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Sunday 7 December Tura Beach Country Club Christmas Get Together
Thanks to all of those that were able to attend for drinks and/or dinner at the Tura Beach Country Club. With the very wet weather in the preceding days, and despite expectations, the weather actually did clear up. Next time we will ignore the weather forecast and have a BBQ rain, hail or shine.
Sunday 19 October Meeting with Guest David Gallan
For forty years David Gallan has had a keen interest in a diverse range photography including the recording of nature in Australia and on several trips to Africa. David's wilderness and wildlife photos have been used in campaigns for the SE Forests, by the Australian Museum's photo library and published in numerous books and journals. Since retiring from his work in schools and university David has concentrated on recording the biodiversity within the Tathra district.
Sunday 12 October Sunrise at Jiguma Beach
A great morning experiencing the "blue hour" as the sky turns from ink to see the rays of a golden sunrise beyond Haycock Point and spread its magic over the water. All of that followed by a fabulous breakfast at the Royal Willows. What more could you ask for at the start of a new day?
Sunday 7 September Bithry Inlet Picnic and Seaside Photography
What wonderful weather for this outing exploring the beach at Bithry Inlet and then around to the ocean as well as the grounds of Myer House, fine trees and bushland. There could not have been a better day for picnic and the Spring weather made it perfect.
Sunday 20 July at the Tura Beach Country Club Golf Course
We had an excellent turn out for the golf club shoot. Thanks to Norm for organising the shoot and the excellent guidance we had from the club chairman Greg Hunting. Also good to see a few come back to the Country Club after the shoot for a tea/coffee or one of the delicious cakes on offer.